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Primary School

Willow Class

Summer Term 2024

28th June

Piper- For excellent work in maths when counting.


21st June

Artie- For putting 100% effort into his learning.


14th June

Maya- For designing a beautiful ice cream cone.


17th May

Piper- For super throwing and catching.


10th May

Gryff- For always being ready to learn.


3rd May

Lily- For excellent progress in maths.


26th April

Charlie- For listening carefully to instructions.


19th April

Arthur S- For making great progress in maths.

Spring Term 2024

22nd March

Drew- For always having lovely manners.


15th March

Luke- For working well with others.


8th March

Dylan- For always putting 100% effort into all that he does.


1st March

Frank- For excellent listening skills.


23rd February

Hunter- For being a super storyteller.


9th February

Maya- For always putting 100% effort into her work.


2nd February

Bartley- For super listening and working hard.


26th January

Paisley- For always listening and putting 100% effort into everything she does.


9th January

Dotty- For excellent work in maths.


12th January

Larna- For being a role model to others.

Autumn Term 2023

15th December

Edith- For engaging in all areas of provision.


8th December

Tasker- For lovely clear speaking in the performance.


1st December

Arthur S- For a super attitude to learning.


24th November

Isabelle- For super blending and segmenting in phonics.


17th November

Jack- For good effort with reading.


10th November

Freddy- For improving his blending and segmenting skills.


3rd November

Oscar- For excellent attitude to learning.


20th October

Ausitn- For super counting of objects!


13th October

Darcy- For improved confidence when reading.

Isla- For showing wonderful teamwork and determination.

6th Octotber

Luca- For being a wonderful story teller!


29th September

Isla- For showing wonderful teamwork and determination.


22nd September

Drew- For excellent work in phonics and reading. 


15th September

Joshua- For always coming into school with a smile and ready for learning. 


8th September

Arthur M-For being eager to learn and listening well.


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