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Primary School

Writing - Unit 2 - Stories from other Cultures

Stories from Other Cultures

One Thousand and One Arabian Nights retold by Geraldine McCaughrean

In this unit, we are learning about different patterns relationships, customs and attitudes with particular reference to the way characters act and interact.

We will use the picture book One Thousand One Arabian Nights to look at the author's use of language, for example literal and figurative language for descriptions; to create a comic or dramatic effect.

We will also identify the point of view from which the story is told - selecting a character and using improvisation and role play to explore the story from their point of view.

We will write in role, for example a letter from one character to another.

The outcome of the unit will be a retelling of a story from an alternative viewpoint.

All writing builds on previous learning - for example, relative clauses, using semicolons in long list descriptions, using punctuation to signpost meaning and organise text (e.g. bullet points)

The new writing skill that we will develop is - how to use direct and reported speech to manage dialogue. 

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