History Unit:
The Lady of the Mercians
In this unit we learn about Britain during the raids of the Norsemen (Vikings).
We will learn about the struggle for survival and rule in Mercia and Wessex.
In addition, we will learn about Alfred the Great and his daughter Aethelflaed.
The unit will conclude by learning about how Aethelflaed became an important ruler.
Knowledge Organiser
The Lady of the Mercians
Key Vocabulary
During this unit, children will experience new vocabulary. Above is a summary of learning and below a list of vocabulary that will be learned in this unit.
When completing written learning, incorporate these words.
Knowledge Organisers
Key learning below are from previous units as we progress in our history learning throughout the year.
All new learning builds on previous learning so these knowledge organisers remain relevant.
You should refer to these documents when completing history learning.