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Primary School

Writing - Unit 2 Information Booklets

Information Booklets

In this unit we will create an information booklet which includes more than one non-fiction text type, for example: non-chronological report, instructions an explanation. This booklet will be linked to our science topic - SPACE.



Monday 8th February

For Monday's English, please read the booklet about space below.

This booklet contains three different text types (a non-chronological report, a discussion, an explanation), plus some puzzles and games.

Please identify each text type.


This week, you are going to write three similar texts and create your own space booklet.

Each day you will write:

  • Tuesday - a non-chronological report
  • Wednesday - a discussion
  • Thursday - an explanation

On Friday, you will:

  • put your booklet togther,
  • design a front page,
  • add any other features (for exmaple a wordsearch).

Below, I have also included a planning sheet for you to use each day.

Information Booklet Example

Outline Planning Sheet

Tuesday 9th February

Non-chronological Report

Watch the lesson and plan and write your non-chronological report about Mars.

Non-chronological Report 9.2.21

Wednesday 10th February

Discussion - Balanced Argument

Watch the lesson and plan and write your balanced argument about space exploration.

Balanced Argument 10.2.21

Balanced Argument EXAMPLE

Arguments for Debate (unsorted)

Arguments for Debate (sorted)

Thursday 11th February


Watch the lesson and plan and write your explanation about getting up into space.

Explanation 11.2.21

Friday 12th February

Space Booklet

Please re-read, edit and review your three texts.

Decide in which order you will include you texts in your booklet.

Design a front cover (include the name of the author and illustrator - that's you!).

Add any extra features to your booklet.  These might include:

  • colouring sheets
  • wordsearches
  • intersting facts
  • quizzes
  • competitions


Enjoy creating your very own Space Information Booklet!


Monday 1st February

For Monday's English, please complete the spelling activities for your group, and the grammar and reading for Monday.

Tuesday 2nd February

Today I would like you to prepare and deliver a short speech about one of the following:

  • The Sun
  • The Moon (or the moons of the Solar System)
  • The Solar System (or a planet in the Solar System other than Earth)
  • Asteroids


Research and gather information about your chosen topic from the website link given beneath the lesson video.

Make notes and organise the notes into a sequence to help you deliver your speech.


Once you have have completed your research, prepare a one minute speech to introduce an audience to the topic.  

Deliver and time your speech.  

You can then send either a recording of your speech or send the notes you used to deliver your speech.


TOP TIP - use note cards to help you deliver your speech. 

Try not to write the whole thing down and read it out loud.


Before you begin, please watch the lesson video below.

Making Notes for a Presentation

Wednesday 3rd February

For today's lesson I would like you to read the two texts in the links below.


As you read, consider the following questions:

  1. How are these two texts similar?
  2. What is the purpose of each text?
  3. How are the text different?


Next, complete the comparisons sheet provided below.

Write anything similar about the two texts in th middle section.

Write things uniques to each text in the side sections.

Comment on:

  • the tense in which it is written
  • the person (first person - I, me; second person - you; third person - he, she, it)
  • the text organisation (paragraphs, sub-headings, fact boxes)
  • the style (formal/informal)
  • the language (technical/specialist language)
  • the audience (children/experts/general public)

Thursday 4th February

Like Wednesday's lesson, I would like you to read the two texts in the links below.


As you read, consider the following questions:

  1. How are these two texts similar?
  2. What is the purpose of each text?
  3. How are the text different?


Next, complete the comparisons sheet provided below.

Use the guidance in Wednesday's lesson to help you.


Friday 5th February

For our final reading task this week, I would like you to read the last two texts in the links below.


As you read, consider the following questions:

  1. How are these two texts similar?
  2. What is the purpose of each text?
  3. How are the text different?


Next, complete the comparisons sheet provided below.

This sheet is little different to the previous two - please complete the table.


Please save all the texts and comparison sheets as you will be referring to them throughout the topic.

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