Mathematics 2.2
Week Ten
Week Ten is Assessment Week.
We will complete three assessment tests:
Paper One (30minutes) - Arithmetic
Paper Two (45minutes) - Reasoning
Paper Three (45minutes) - Reasoning
For a timetable of the assessments, please see the Assessment Week Timetable on the main page of Blended Learning Oak.
Week Nine
We are all learning how to plot and read coordinates and how to translate and reflect shapes.
Year Five - are reading and plotting coordinates in the first quadrant.
Year Six - are reading and plotting coordinates in all four quadrants.
Week Eight
Each day this week you have an arithmetic warm-up and your core learning.
We are all learning how to calculate fractions in the arithmetic warm-up.
Please complete the arithmetic warm-up prior to your core learning each day.
This week, in our core learning, we are learning about short and long division in Year Five & Year Six.
Monday 1st March
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the fractions column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Fractions Warm Up
Teaching for Year Five
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow Group
Learning for Green Group
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Red Group please complete game 5.
Blue Group please complete game 6.
Tuesday 2nd March
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the fractions column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Fractions Warm Up
Teaching for Year Five
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow and Green Group
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Wednesday 3rd March
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the fractions column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Fractions Warm Up
Teaching for Year Five
Rewatch Tuesday's lesson video before completing today's learning.
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow and Green Group
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Choose six problems from the document. Try and challenge yourself.
Learning for Red and Blue Group
Thursday 4th March
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the fractions column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Fractions Warm Up
Teaching for Year Five
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Green and Yellow Groups
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Friday 5th March
For today's learning, please complete the assigned mathletics
Week Seven
Each day this week you have an arithmetic warm-up and your core learning.
We are all learning how to calculate percentages in the arithmetic warm-up.
Please complete the arithmetic warm-up prior to your core learning each day.
This week, in our core learning, we are learning about mental and written multiplication in Year Five & Year Six.
Monday 22nd February
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the percentages column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Teaching for Year Five
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow and Green Groups
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Tuesday 23rd February
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the percentages column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Teaching for Year Five
Please complete the Sieve of Erastosthenes before completing the factors learning.
The Sieve of Erastosthenes allows you to find prime numbers (numbers with only two factors - the number one and themselves). We completed this worksheet together in the autumn term, but it will be useful to revisit this learning to revise the prime numbers between 1-100.
The answers are included so that you can check your learning before answering the questions.
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow and Green Groups
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Wednesday 24th February
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the percentages column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Teaching for Year Five
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow Group
Learning for Green Group
Teaching for Year Six
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Thursday 25th February
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the percentages column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.
Teaching for Year Five
Open the document below where you will find all the instructions for today's learning challenge.
Learning for Year Five
Learning for Yellow and Green Groups
Teaching for Year Six
Please re-watch the learning video for Tuesday if you need to revise how to complete long multiplication of decimals.
Learning for Year Six
Learning for Red Group
Learning for Blue Group
Friday 26th February
Arithmetic Warm Up
Complete the percentages column for your maths group.
You may complete the other columns if you wish.