Children's Social Care
If you are concerned or worried about a child's welfare please contact Children's Social Care on 0300 123 6720
What is a Designated Safeguarding Lead?
Every organisation that works with children needs to have someone that takes the lead on safeguarding and child protection.
The safeguarding lead provides advice and training to other staff on child welfare, safeguarding and child protection matters. They take part in strategy discussions and inter-agency meetings, attend child protection conferences and provide referrals into other services.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Whitechapel Primary School is
Mrs Nicola Noblett
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead in Miss Rebecca Paul
Any concerns regarding child welfare should be reported directly to the Designated Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible in person or via
The School Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Julie Seed
All policies relevant to keeping children safe can be found in the
KEY INFORMATION / POLICIES area of the website
Whitechapel's Early Help Offer
There are many different life events that can affect children and families in a negative way at some point throughout their lives. Research suggests that the provision of Early Help can reduce rates of child welfare intervention and improve child and parent outcomes. Early identification of need is key to the success of any provision. Here at Whitechapel, we use parental, staff, peer or self referral as the initial starting point for any intervention.
Early Help is designed to support children and families who are facing emerging challenges or difficulties that are not supported by other mental health or social services. These challenges could include but are not exclusive to the following areas;
- has disabilities, special educational needs (SEND) or long-term physical health issues
- has mild or emerging mental health difficuluties
- is being bullied or bullying others
- is at risk of exploitation or radicalisation
- faces challenges at home, such as difficult relationships, domestic abuse, parental alcohol or drug misuse, parental or sibling mental or physical health problems, family bereavement or parental incarceration
- is a young carer
- is in private foster care or returning home after being in care
- is affected by financial or housing problems
At a school level, we can provide the following support to our children and families;
- Individual support plans focusing on the specific need
- 1:1 mentor provision
- Nurture groups
- Young leaders programme
- Circle Time Intervention
- Buddy System
- Bespoke PSHE lessons on key target areas
- Annual Kidsafe training for all children
- Signposting to external family support including HARV, parenting groups etc
- Faciliatate external agencies to work with groups of children to support in key areas e.g. anxiety, transition
If the child or family's needs require additional specialist support, an Early Help Assessment (EHA) is completed with the children and parents to identify and create an action plan of support. Referrals can then be made through to other services. Families receiving support at this level will attend half-termly 'Team Around the Family' (TAF) meetings until all concerns have been targetted. Early Help is always carried out with the consent of the parent.