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Primary School

Maple Class

Summer term 2024

I hope that you have all had a wonderful break and are refreshed ready for the beginning of a new term. Please familiarise yourself with our class blended learning page which contains information on home learning, our curriculum and useful links as well. 


In maple class this year, the home learning expectations are as follows:

TaskFrequencyWhere to complete?
ReadingDaily All reading to be recorded in your reading record.
MathleticsWeeklyMathletics tasks will be set on a Wednesday to be completed for the following Monday. Mathletics log in details can be found in your child's reading record.
Home learning taskWeeklyA weekly home learning task will be set each Wednesday to be completed for the following Monday. This is to be completed in your Home learning book which will need to be brought in each Monday with the completed task. Incomplete home learning will be completed during break times.


Learning Timetable 

This will be our timetable for the summer term. 


Curriculum Learning

Click on the areas below to find out what we're learning about and locate any blended learning for you to complete at home. 


Extra tasks?

Here's some things to do that can further support your learning while at home.



  • Go to our times tables page and practise your times tables. Year 3s you must learn your 3x, 4x and 8x tables. Year 4s you must learn them all. 
  • Head over to mathletics for some educational fun. Work is set every Wednesday for you. 



  • Grab your reading book (either one from school or one from home) and have a read. Find 5 words you don't know the meaning of and find the definition using context or a dictionary. Draw a picture of your favourite character from what you picture in your mind. Write a different ending to the story you are reading. Write book recommendation or review to share with the class. 



  • Remember to learn the words on your knowledge organiser and what they mean. 



  • Go to our history page and learn the information and key vocabulary on your knowledge organiser. 


Weekly task

  • Complete your weekly home learning task in your home learning book, which is set every Wednesday.


Additional Links

Below I have attached some links to useful websites where lessons can be found. 

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