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Primary School

Writing - Unit Three: Explanations


Non Fiction Unit based on a variety of non-fiction texts

In this unit we will be learning about a variety of explanation texts: the function of these texts and how to write an explanation.   We will be learning about formal writing, how to write sentences for effect, and how to build up cohesion in an explanatory text.

Our writing will include: questions and answers based on our reading of explanatory texts, writing short texts to explain basic scientific ideas, and explanations linked to our most recent history topic.

Children will be learning creatively using drama techniques, annotation of texts, and the use key vocabulary.

Development and enrichment of vocabulary will be a key objective of this unit of learning - using a challenging texts to access quality language in order to develop understanding and enhance independent writing.

The unit outcome will be an explanation about how the William the Conqueror became the first Norman King of England.

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