Reading Activity
Week One
TEXT: Non-Fiction
Please read the extract from:
50 Things You Should Know About World War I
LEARNING FOCUS – Vocabulary (the meaning of words in context)
After reading, I would like you to play Vocabulary I-Spy.
Read the clue and spot the word.
I spy a word that means:
- small amount
- grabbed
- help
- enemies
- next in line
- agreements
- conquer
- coming towards
For the answers, please open the document below.
Week 1 I-Spy ANSWERS
50 Things You Should Know About World War I
Week Two
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Please use your home reading book and make a Vocabulary I-Spy game:
LEARNING FOCUS – Vocabulary (the meaning of words in context)
Choose a chapter, or a few pages, and create eight I-Spy clues.
Write the clue and the answer for each of the eight words you have chosen.
Week Three
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Please use your home reading book and complete the Vocabulary 4 Square:
Choose four interesting or new words from your reading book and complete the vocabulary sheet.
Vocabulary 4 Square
Week Four
TEXT: Knowledge Organiser Science
Please use your science knowledge organiser and complete the a hexagon diagram for three of the words.
look at the example below and complete science art diagrams of your own for three words on your science KO.
Science Art Hexagons example
Science Art
Week Five
TEXT: Knowledge Organiser History
Please use your history vocabulary to complete the a hexagon diagram for three of the words.
Look at the example below and complete history art diagrams of your own for three words from your history vocabulary
History Art Diagrams
Week Six
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Please use a home reading book you have read this term to complete a book review.
Use the Question Track and a dice to complete your review.
REMEMBER - write the TITLE & AUTHOR of the book.
Book Review Questions Track
Week Seven
TEXT: Home Reading Book
There is no new task for this week.
Please continue to read and enjoy your book (or books) over the half term holiday.
Week Eight
TEXT: Science Knowledge Organiser
Please read the science knowledge organiser.
Create a list of five key facts you learn from the knowledge organiser and write them in your homework book.
Week Nine
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below).
This week, the focus is retrieval.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.
Retrieving Information
Week Ten
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below).
This week, the focus is meaning of words.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.
Meaning of Words
Week Eleven
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below).
This week, the focus is inference.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.
Week Twelve
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below week nine).
This week, the focus is retrieval.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.
Week Thirteen
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below week ten).
This week, the focus is meaning of words.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.
Week Fourteen
TEXT: Home Reading Book
Over the following weeks we will focus on different aspects of comprehension using the
content domain questions (below week eleven).
This week, the focus is inference.
Please use the questions to generate book talk with your child.
Please record any comments in their reading record.