School Curriculum
What does your child learn at school each day?
Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
Whitechapel Primary School’s bespoke curriculum is tailored specifically to the needs of our children. It has been designed by staff, in full consultation with governors, parents and children. Clear strategic planning ensures our curriculum is dynamic, broad and balanced, and well-matched to the context of the school and children. The curriculum ensures we build upon the life experiences of the children and provide opportunities for them to learn in a variety of environments.
Our carefully crafted curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and the National Curriculum. In addition, we include a wide range of learning experiences to develop essential life skills: self-control, confidence, social skills, motivation and resilience.
This academic year (2021-2022) we are reviewing our curriculum provision. Curriculum overviews are being enhanced with greater opportunities for work outside the classroom to enhance learning. These overviews will be shared in this area of the website as they are developed.
The systematic teaching of phonics has its foundations in 'Letters and Sounds' with actions included from 'Jolly Phonics'. Phonemes and graphemes are taught systematically and link directly to the 'Rising Stars' and 'Songbirds' reading schemes to enable children to practise reading graphemes in the context of story and non-fictional texts.
Each class highlights topics and key learning for each term on their specific BLENDED LEARNING page of the website.
If you would like more information about the school curriculum, please contact your child's teacher in the first instance.
For further information, please contact the Headteacher Mrs Nicola Noblett on