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Primary School

How You Can Help School

We enjoy parental support that is second to none at Whitechapel and help is always at hand when invited for specific tasks and this help is always very much appreciated.  We have asked parents, friends, neighbours, governors and grandparents to give us some of their time during the week so that we can give the children important time for 1:1 reading. This has meant great classroom support in listening to readers, which the children and adults enjoy.   


Other ways you can help School:


Used Batteries -  send in your used batteries for the Tune into Battery Recycling Scheme


Empties Please - please send in your old printer cartridges - we will get paid £1 for original manufacturer cartridge and 50p for a remanufactured cartridge.  If we are Champion Collectors, we can win prizes for school to make us greener, e.g. trees, hedgehog houses.  If you can use a bin at your work place, please let us know.  We are unable to collect Epson or Brother cartridges or any toners. 


Used Stamps - send in your used stamps (minimum 1 cm around stamp).  We get paid £11 per kilo.


Easyfundraising - please use Easyfundraising website to raise funds for school.  See the PTFA section for information on how to join.


Supermarket Vouchers - we collect Morrisons @Lets Grow Vouchers, Sainsbury's Active Kids - please send them into school.


100 Club - join the 100 Club for £10 per year for a chance to win some cash!  The 100 Club was started many years ago to replace the selling of printed raffle tickets at Christmas.  £10 purchases you a number and then each month (between October and July), the school children draw 3 numbers.  These numbers receive a cash prize.  The profit raised, goes towards "extras" for the children throughout the year in the form of subsiding trips, classroom resources etc.  Thank you to Katie Walsh for managing this fund. 

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