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Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions



A few weeks into term and I have been asked to answer lots of questions.  F.A.Q.  Frequently Asked Questions for your information.  So here we go …..


  1. What is the Golden Book Award?


In school we have a Golden Book where the children achieving the best each week, are listed, one from each class.  Every Friday morning assembly is Good Work Assembly so the list is read out,

The children receive a certificate and a badge, which they can wear all week.  Writer of the week certificates are also awarded in this assembly.

There is also an opportunity for children to share their achievements and awards gained from activties outside school for example, badges from cubs/brownies, swimming certificates.  A record of awards is kept and a prize given for the most appearances at the end of the academic year.


  1. What are Key Stages?

We have three key stages at Primary School. 

  • Foundation is Pre-School and Reception.
  • Key Stage One is Year One and Two
  • Key Stage Two is Years Three, Four, Five and Six.


  1. When are Assemblies?

Assembly happens every day with every week having a topic, i.e. New Beginnings, Caring, Friendship, etc.  This helps coordination as often on Tuesday we have guests who lead assembly.  This entails stories with meanings and often a prayer and a song.

Friday’s assembly offers an opportunity for parents to attend and help us celebrate children's achievements.  This assembly begins at 9:05am and lasts approximately 30 minutes.  

Tuesday’s Assembly is led by a member of staff or a visitor from the local community

Fridays’ Assembly is Good Work/Golden Book Assembly led by Mrs Noblett


  1. What is the Roper Party?

Many years ago a local benefactor, John Roper, bequeathed some money to St James, Whitechapel, so that the children of the village school could enjoy a party.  This has evolved over the years, all money has been spent, but we still uphold the tradition and treat our children to something special.  We try to make it different every year and have enjoyed various visitors and experiences such as Lego, Story-tellers, drumming, skipping workshops, etc.  The volunteers from St James church usually make us all some party tea and we have to sing John Roper’s favourite hymn “As with Gladness Men of Old”.


  1. When are P.E. sessions?

Physical Education takes place all the time but PE lessons take place are on Thursday and Friday afternoons.  PE is provided by class teachers and our dance coach Miss Sally Whittaker.  

Judo and Fencing are offered as extra curricular activities at various times thoughout the year by Judo Education.


  1. Can children wear earrings for school?

            Jewellery should not be worn at school.

            Watches may be worn but should be removed for PE activities.


  1. May I take my children out of school for a holiday during term time?

            All holidays should be taken during the alloted school holidays.  A list of these dates can be found on the school           website. Children will only have an authorised absence in exceptional circumstances agreed with the headteacher in advance.  All holiday absence during term time will be recorded as unauthorised.


  1. What is Pancaking?

Pancaking is a custom which we believe originates from the children of poor labourers visiting the “big house” or houses of wealthier farmers, asking for pancakes and were sometimes given actual pancakes and other times ingredients/toppings so that mothers could make them.

The custom of pancaking continues in Whitechapel with the primary school children calling on all the houses in the area saying “Please, a pancake”.  On Pancake Day, families take groups of children along Church Lane, in the morning. This is usually followed by a Community Lunch for all the pancakers.


  1. Community Lunch

Parents and friends are invited to join us for Community lunches.  These are held once every half term in the Village Hall.  Come and share a lovely 2 course meal and drink with our school community for approx £5.00.  Details will be in the weekly newsletter.


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