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Primary School

Summer 2

The Stone Age


  • To know that Great Britain was once connected to Europe via a land-bridge called Doggerland. Our ancestors used this land-bridge to traverse from Europe to Great Britain in search of food. Our ancestors had not yet learned to grow their own food so they had no choice but to roam and search for sustenance. 
  • Stone Age people were known as hunter-gatherers because they hunted and gathered food. They had not yet learned how to grow their own food. 
  • To know that pre-historic means a time before written records. In the Stone Age, people drew on cave walls. These cave paintings have helped us today to learn about this period in time.
  • To know that people began to settle and keep animals. They created homes made of stone that included a fire and passageways between houses.  
  • To know the summer solstice is on Monday 24th June 2024 and is the longest day of the year. 
  • To know the winter solstice in on Saturday 21st December 2024 and is the shortest day of the year. 



  • To recognise that our own lives are both similar and different to the past. We still eat similar foods to people in the Stone Age but we do not hunt and gather in the same way they had to. 

Events, people and changes

  • To develop an awareness of historically significant places; Skara Brae and Stonehenge.

Interpretation, enquiry and using sources

  • To recognise some basic reasons why people in the past acted the way they did. Understand that our ancestors had no choice but to roam for food because they had not yet learned to grow their own food. This meant they travelled far and wide. 


  • To use simple terms and concepts relating to history; pre-historic. 


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